Wednesday 31 October 2012


Home from holidays, oh how the holiday "come down" has hit hard this time. We had the most amazing three weeks in France (more on that in a later post), however, since coming home it is almost like the universe is punishing me for having such a great holiday.

We arrived in Brisbane in the early hours of last Thursday morning. Tamika picked us up at the airport and all I could think of is sleep. Oh, sleep, glorious sleep in a bed. But it was not to be, we got a phone call letting us know Mum had suffered a stroke that morning. So quick showers, then an hour and a half drive to the Caboolture Hospital. Sadly, I know the way there; last time I visited was after Mum had a major car accident. She has had several minor and major car accidents, Mum drives like she is in a bumper car.

The whole way there, the worse case scenarios are filling my head with dread. But we get there and it is not as bad as I was imagining. Yes, it is still serious, the right side of her body has been affected, and her mind seems a little muddled. But relief hit me, it was still Mum. Yes, a Mum that needs to give up smoking and do a lot of rehab, but still "my" Mum.

But my universal retaliation did not end there. Friday, Jarvis got sick, so sick that during the early hours of Saturday morning when his temperature had hit 39 degrees we called the hospital to see if they thought we should bring him in. So after a couple of doctors visits, the week has been spent looking after a little man who has a severe viral infection, swollen glands and a middle ear infection.

I did not think I would be so willing to give Jarvis so many drugs; however, I changed my mind when he got so sick.

I even let him eat the box in the hope it would make him feel better. Not really, but chewing on it helped the tears.

Nicely, Jarvis has shared his germs with me, so now I am a 44 year old woman suffering from the worse holiday come down, EVER! So, Universe, you can kiss my butt!

Not my butt, even though she is way older than me, her butt is much perkier.

Wednesday 3 October 2012



I could write for ever about the things that Jarvis does, however, this month I will write about all of the things Jarvis does not do. Jarvis still does not roll over or crawl. He gets stuck like a turtle on his back, until you stand him up. Then he is off, shimming against walls or hanging onto stuff for support. Jarvis does not walk slowly; he is always in a hurry.

Jarvis does not like to wear clothes; it is a struggle every time to get him dressed. If he cannot be naked, he will settle for no pants.

Jarvis will have a bath and stay in until he is a wrinkled prune. But he will not get out of the bath without tears. The same thing happens when we take him swimming.

But the main thing that Jarvis does not do, ever, is sleep alone. He will sleep in the car. He will always sleep in my arms, or curled up against me. Or he will sleep beside Justin.

At first he slept in the bassinet in our room, but now every night he sleeps with us. Jarvis has never slept in his own room. He has not even slept in his cot in our room. Even after I went to so much effort to make or refurbish everything in his room. We even painted his room and it is a rental!

Cots are just for playing in.

Jarvis has not got two upper teeth, just the one, so he looks like a hillbilly.

OK, so that is not Jarvis and it is not my photo (cannot find original source to give credit to), but I cannot get a photo of Jarvis's tooth.

So all of these things that Jarvis does not do, but I would not change a thing from his sweaty sleep head to his smelly feet. Alright I would change his stinky feet, but I just love him more and more each day I will take those feet, even when I wake up with them in my face each morning.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


No! I was most of the way through several things, dress re-makes, vintage cardigan re-style; extra bibs for Jarvis; and boxer shorts for Jarvis, when the needle snapped in half.

I thought I had cleaned it out well enough, but no matter how many times I clean, re-thread and generally poke at it, under the vague assumption I know what I am doing, the machine just chews up fabric.

I think it needs a professional, but I cannot find anywhere in Brisbane to look at it straight away, so this means it won't be back before we go away on Sunday. (insert the language of a trucker with the tantrum of a two year old) Even a whole packet of Fantales did not help.